Looking at Tesla Stock? Here are some tips on why you should add Tesla to your portfolio
You’re starting to see more and more Tesla’s on the road. Tesla seems to be in the news more often now than ever before. It’s a great vehicle and just works. Justifiably a leader in the category without any paid advertising due to the ease of use and lack of maintenance. In fact, if you see an EV commercial, Tesla’s website traffic goes up organically as it did this past weekend from the Superbowl.
What if I told you that in the market you could make 100% of your investment in about a few months. Tesla has been one of those stocks that has had tremendous runs based on its valuation and momentum into the stock (people are buying). It is by far one of the most interesting trading companies.
With the recent price reductions across various models to capitalize on EV tax credits where Americans are able to get a $7500 credit for buying a specific EV. China is accelerating manufacturing of Tesla’s portfolio of vehicles. In addition, certain locations such as Austin have started assembling the much coveted CyberTruck
So is it too late to invest? Many investors have FOMO or fear of missing out and after such a large run up tend to get euphoric. This isn’t the time unfortunately. So, as investors did we miss out?
We didn’t miss out. The thing about investing – there’s always an opportunity to make a profit. A key rule that remains true: every strong move deserves to be retested. Yes, even 100%+ runs.
We do expect a retracement or pull back in price as with anything that runs so fast, it needs to rest and catch its breath. That is the beauty about investing. You always get another shot at the prize. Tesla is not the only EV player and nearly every car manufacturer is now touting their EV’s. Face it, we are near an EV revolution. With more competition, the fact that Tesla has run up so far so fast, we will get our chance.
As an active investor, I can say I’ve been able to partake in a couple of Tesla run ups in the past. While you can never time the market, but using history as a baseline and Isaac Newton’s theory of ‘What goes up must come down,’ we will certainly be able to take advantage when the time is right., Stay tuned as we take a deeper dive into Tesla in the coming weeks and evaluate the charts on where we can look to enter.